Table of Contents

1) Pitches and Clefs

2) Intervals, Scales, and Keys

3) Triads, Seventh Chords, and Leadsheet Notation

4) Rhythm and Regular Meters

5) Counterpoint and Embellishing Shapes

6) Introduction to Harmonic Analysis

7) Harmonic Function

8) Cadences and the Phrase

9) Non-Chord Tones

10) Introduction to Part-writing

11) Practical Part-writing

12) Instrument Transpositions, Ranges, and Score Reduction

13) Phrasing and Texture

14) Secondary Dominant Functions

15) An Introduction to Modulation

16) Mode Mixture

17) Tonal Sequences

18) Chromatic Chords

19) The Harmony of Thirds

20) Advanced Modulatory Techniques

21) Modern Scales and Meters

22) An Introduction to Post-Tonal Analysis