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9b Lesson - Non-chord Tones, Part 2

Class discussion

Double Neighbor Tones Decorates a single pitch, has to come back to the original pitch.

  • Enclosure! It doesnt matter if you to up or down first, but there is a stepwise note above and below.
  • Two neighbor tones stapled together.

Appoggiatura (APP) Approached by leap and left by step in the opposite direction.

Escape Tone (ET) Approached by step and left by leap in the opposite direction.

appoggiaturas and escape tones are the most common NCT’s

Anticipations (ANT) A reverse suspension, although not upsidedown like retardations. Putting your car in reverse doesn’t put it on its roof.

  • A chord tone that shows up too early.
  • Its going to be a chord tone soon, but not yet because the chord hasn’t changed yet.
  • Static motion!

Pedals (PED) Any non chord tone approached by static motion and left by static motion across at least three chords. When labeling with a pedal, use the next voice up to determine inversion.

“Figure” It has the right shape, but aren’t non-chord tones. This concept can apply to any NCT. Check if they’re chord tones! *ex: There’s an appoggiatura figure in [insert random piece], measure 21.