Melodic Dictation With Syncopation
Syncopated Rhythms in Melodic Context
One of next week’s quizzes will be on the subject of melodic dictation with syncopated rhythms. Please review the principles of syncopation that we studied in Unit 17.
Tips for Success
- Have a strong concept of the beat. Conduct along with your non-writing hand so that you stay on track.
- As always, carefully note the time signature, beat pattern, and beat note.
- Using your visual and auditory recall, remember what divisions and subdivisions of the beat sound like, and, crucially, look like on the page.
- What kind of syncopation is taking place? Over the barline? Crossing the beat? Within the beat?
In this example from Scott Joplin’s The Entertainer, we can see all three of these types of syncopation.

Listen carefully to a recording while following along with the score. You can access a Creative Commons score of this work at