Fluency in C Clefs We can all use extra practice in C clefs, whether in sight singing or in ear training. This week’s melodic examples will all use alto clef and tenor clef. Having trouble? Use middle C for orientation, i.e. the middle line of the staff in alto clef and the second-to-top line of the staff in tenor clef.
Fluency in Compound Time
This week, we will practice melodic dictation exclusively in compound meters. Don’t just practice those with 8 in the denominator – practice the ones with 16 or 4 too, since they may be less familiar.
Practice Examples
Choose one familiar folk song in compound time from the list below, and write it out in a C clef in compound time. Sometimes there is more than one possible way to do this. For example, you may choose to interpret the song as having 2 beats in the measure (i.e. 6/8, 6/16, or 6/4), or 4 (i.e. 12/8, 12/16, or 12/4).
Songs in Compound Time: